March 30, 2009

A Question on Action and Timing

When you take an action, any action no matter how insignificant-such as lifting a finger- at any given moment, be it a millisecond of a millisecond time-wise for instance, we obviously know that the action taken is natural, biological function of the living thing taking it. When one chooses to take that action is another matter. Is it really one's freewill at work? Or is it timing? A combination of both maybe? Are we convinced that when such an action taken, it is merely a choice of our conscious mind, our freewill? Or was it meant to happen when it did, regardless of the "choice" that we think we made consciously? Is there something far more complex, for lack of a better word, taking place? One may say "No, I made the choice to lift my finger and I and only I did just that." Now my question is...what if any action that one takes is already predetermined before one makes a choice, or uses freewill, to take that action? Do we really know?
What if everything was already foreseen, already planned out, even our own freewill, because when the timing is right, one acts, speaks, thinks, listens, etc. etc...? I know this sounds perhaps silly or ludicrous to some, but really, how do you know? Isn't death somewhat already "foreseen?" When it's your time to go it's your time to go right? There will be a day when that time comes for everyone, regardless of personal beliefs, thoughts, etc. that not already predetermined perhaps? I know, I know it's science and biology, yeah I agree but where did that all come from? Indeed timing is everything, so it seems. According to astrology, events (and actions) occur based on the timing of planetary movements that correlate with the existence of all things-living and non-living perhaps. Are we not all part of this galaxy and furthermore, the universe? We live in it don't we? Do we not have the same essence (atoms, matter, universal particles, etc.) as our planetary bodies in our own galaxy within our own bodies? Perhaps the planets and energies within our own galaxy do affect us much more than we realize. Surely we came from it long ago, as it was here before us. And over centuries we have evolved into what we are now--based upon a multitude of factors. Does not evolution have to do with time? How do we not know that evolution is actually a part, a mere facet of the grand web of astrology and the timing of events? When things are meant to happen then they will. I do believe that we make our own choices, yet we do not at the same time. I think that there is something much more going on than what meets the senses. I mean the moon affects the tides of the ocean. The days of the week are named after some of our planets and the months and seasons all correlate to astrological signs. The cross is actually the cardinal cross of the zodiac with the four points (and the seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter)representing Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the four cardinal signs, each representing a solstice. Well my fingers hurt. I'll leave this at that.